As the saying goes, the one sure thing you can count on is that life will change. We here at Millwood Flower Farm are evolving with the changes in our lives.

Seth and I found so much joy bringing joy to others through flowers. Something so simple. One of our first customers on the first day we went to Market was Linda. She remained faithful to us for the years we attended. We worried about her when we didn’t see her at the Market. We loved her dearly and will miss her. So many beautiful customers we will miss. Derek’s mom. The lady with the three little brown- haired kids that always got to pick out flowers. The many girls we handed sunflowers to. Often we saw sadness in a face in the crowd and gave them flowers. It’s guaranteed to lift someone’s spirits. It always does, even if for just a little while.

One Saturday at Market we had this young man come to our booth. He was clearly a city boy and not a gardener. He had amazing taste in flowers and an ability to combine colors. He slowly chose about 5 flowers from our flower bar. He paid for his flowers and as he walked away, with all seriousness asked me, “Do I just stick them in dirt?”

I had so much fun one Saturday that we set up dried flowers and let people choose for free whatever they wanted and I taught them to make a wreath. It’s never been about the money for me. We only profited because Seth was watching over me!

And the VENDORS! Oh, we enjoyed knowing them all. Gloria, Yvonne, the CraftyCat duo, Bubba, the muffin man and his wife, and on and on….The best goods are found at the Ocala Downtown Market.

We will never forget the wedding proposal, graduation photo shoots, our first DIY wedding, Amber and her boys exploring the field, the workshops and tours. The flower farm handed us a new community. We will never stop growing flowers here and searching for ways to create beautiful habitat (even if just temporary) for birds, people, and other critters.

Natalie Lyons